Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Warm Fall Welcome

I have openly admitted before that I have serious issues when it comes to decorating.  I cannot leave things alone.  Exhibit A...the front porch.  Yes, I know it looked good the first way I had it...That would have been "good enough" for some people, but "good enough" just won't work for me.

Last week, I added the mesh and the leopard print ribbon + the wreath I made.  That looked great.  BUT...great is not great enough for me!!  I still wanted my cornstalks!!  BUT, alas, to my great one had them for sale.  I know plenty of people who have them in their fields, but they  haven't cut them yet.  So, I kept hoping.  On the way to Lowe's last night, look what I found RIGHT BEFORE the little store closed in five minutes!!  I ran in, got my cornstalks, and drove off into the sunset.  :)

I couldn't wait to put them out, so after I got home and fed everyone and got them all asleep, I played on the porch.  I know people were wondering what on earth I was doing at 11 o'clock at night on the front porch!!  I couldn't wait to get up this morning to see it in the daylight.  LOL!!

Of course, I couldn't have just plain cornstalks, so I added a couple of leftover acorn picks that match the garland, more mesh ribbon and leopard print bows, of course!!

Another thing I added under darkness of night was a fleur de lis bench to the front porch.  I have two of these....thought about adding the other one, too, but I think I will wait until Christmas...
I have an idea brewing!!! 
Look how cute this is with my old leopard print pillows, my pumpkin pillow, and Mr. Pumpkin...

I also added a few mums...the little nursery that had the cornstalks also had mums on sale for $5.  MUCH cheaper than the big stores had them, and they were much prettier!

I also added a scarecrow, mum, and tiny pumpkin to my adorable zebra print fall flag!! 

I really think I am done now...seriously!!  I don't think I have an inch left to do anything else with.  LOL!!!

Less is more, but EVEN MORE IS ALWAYS BETTER!!! 
Happy Sunday!

Linking up to Debbie Doo's Newbie Party, Metamorphosis Monday over at Between Naps on the Porch, to the sweet Miss Linda's Nifty Thrifty Tuesday party over at Coastal Charm, and a great blog I just found...DIY by Design for the Fall into Fall party!!!

OH, and I have decided that IF I get to 200 followers, I am going to host a special GIVEAWAY in celebration of reaching the 200 mark!!!! 
I just need eight more people!!!
(And someone to give me pointers on how to do it!)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Leopards, Pumpkins, and Zebras, Oh, My!!!!

Yes, it sounds crazy, but I have all three on my front porch for fall!! I have been **tweaking** the outside of my house a little more, and somehow all three worked their way into the final product. (Final for now!) Still no new door, but I am waiting!!!  I left the topiaries alone, so don't freak out! I won't be changing those.  I adore them!!!

I actually made a new wreath for the front door and made bows to add to the railings I had already decorated. It's not that I didn't like the wreath I had....I just LOVE mesh ribbon and the leopard print ribbbon, and the sunflowers I used....what can I say?

I wish I could say I made the ADORABLE flag with the zebra print and the pumpkin, but I didn't. I'm not THAT talented!!! I saw it and immediately fell in love with it!!! Zebra print AND a pumpkin??? SERIOUSLY! What girl in her right mind could resist THAT? LOL

I'm not crazy about the mesh ribbon the way it is normally used. I wanted mine to be a little different, so I actually just cut and chopped it in chunks, and then bunched it in the middle with a pipecleaner. After that, I made a small bow out of my leopard print ribbon (can you say LOVE??) and also attached it with a pipecleaner. I love how it turned out with just the little sparkle from the mesh ribbon.

I still need to add my cornstalks behind the topiaries....that is coming as soon as I can find some that are legal to cut down!! I also will be adding a scarecrow and some hay/pumpkins out front. I have to add, however, that I am already **secretly** thinking about Christmas in my heart!! ;)

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Autumn Arrives Party

I'm posting a few pictures of autumn's arrival at my humble abode especially for the Autumn Arrives Party over at Savvy Season's by Liz!  I have more to share, but this is a pretty good start.  I can't miss out on a GREAT party!!

Let's start off at the front door...... I already shared my pumpkin topiaries...STILL loving those...but I couldn't leave it alone!!

   I added some mesh ribbon and leopard print to the rails, and I changed out my wreath.  I still have the other's inside now hanging on a mirror!  This one just turned out so great with the mesh and leopard ribbon.  I couldn't resist hanging it on the door!!
Don't you love my adorable fall flag???  Who can resist zebra print WITH a pumpkin???  NOT ME!!!

Now, if I just had my cornstalks for behind those topiaries!!  I am still looking for them.  They will get there eventually.  I guess I could go cut some out of someone's field, but...I really don't want to get in trouble!!

Moving inside....

The mantle in the family room is all decked out for fall with my Dollar General pumpkins and my Kirkland's bejeweled pumpkins! 

Kitchen rooster shaking his tail feathers!!!  I made this arrangement last year, and I am still loving it. 
That is VERY unusual for me!!

I am in L-O-V-E with my Mercury glass pumpkins from Pottery Barn....LOVING them paired with my silver trays on the wall in the kitchen!!

If you like it then you better put a pumpkin on it!!  It seems like that is all I do during the fall...if it doesn't move, I WILL put a pumpkin on it!  Even the candlesticks on the sideboard in the kitchen are not safe!!!

My kitchen buffet all dressed up for fall!

My fall kitchen tree...LOVE the warm look of it!  
Come December, he will be all decked out in gingerbread!!

There's more to share...I have been playing in the mesh ribbon again, but I can't  get my camera to stay open.  Don't know what has happened to it.  I am sure hoping SANTA will bring me a new one!!! 

So thankful to Liz for hosting the Autumn Arrives party over at her blog!! She is definitely one of my favorites, and the first person I ever blog-stalked!!!!! :)

ALSO....a BIG HUG and a HUGE thank you to Kristen at Kristen's Creations and Linda at Coastal Charm for giving a shout out for my topiaries!!!  Thank you, ladies, for featuring me!  I am truly honored.  BIG SMILE!!!!! Autumn Arrives Party