Sunday, August 7, 2011

That Which Does Not Kill Us Makes Us Stronger

My Dear Friends,

I owe all of you a sincere apology for not blogging in the past month.  However, my life has changed so much in just a matter of a few days.  So much so that it is truly impossible for me to even explain in words.  The same week that the refrigerator and air conditioner all were struck by lightning at  my house back in  June, my dear step-father (who was my father in my heart) was placed at the Hospice House because his fight with cancer was nearing it's end.  Just a few short days later, he lost that battle, leaving a huge hole in our hearts forever.

My children have never known another grandfather other than him, and he is responsible for our lives being what they are today.  One day soon I will post the eulogy I wrote for his funeral that details how he affected my life.  It's still very painful right now, but it is important to know that I would never have gone to college or done half of the things I have done in my life if it had not been for him and his influence on me.  He was always the very best grandfather to my children, and we will forever hold his memory in our hearts.  We love and miss you, PaPa, very, very much. 
My mother has come to live with us because at 80, she is not able to stay by herself any longer.  So, there have been many adjustments around my home in the last few weeks.  We are making it, but it is day by day.  Every day we get a little better.  We watched Steel Magnolias together the other night, and it definitely brought healing and comfort. 

In the midst of all this craziness, I have continued to work and have been moving my mother out of her home.  What a task that was!  Several times I thought I was trapped on the "Hoarders" show.  LOL!!

Even with all of this craziness, I have been thinking about fall decoarting, and I have "tweaked" a few things in the kitchen.  My mother has given me several tubs of her old silver that she was not using any longer, and she also handed down to me my great-grandfather's dough bowl, a couple of churns, an antique crock, and some other pieces.  To make it feel more like home to her at my house, I have changed some things around to incorporate her things and mine. 

I'm not finished with my silver tray collection wall YET, but here's the start of it....I have my plans for my fall display below it, and I can't get that out of my head!!  So, this will do **for now** until I can get the items I need!

I'm loving the blingbling the silver trays give to my walls!  I did this how I do all my power the middle of the night!  When my mother woke up the next morning, she said, "WOW!  I heard you beating and banging around in here, but I had no idea THAT's what you were doing.  Who knew I had all those trays!!"

I decided to spread the love around the other side of the room, too, and I changed my buffet as well as the wall beside it. 

Here's a closer look at the tea set.  I didn't polish it on purpose.  I LOVE the look of tarnished silver.  Looking back through my old Pottery Barn catalogs, I have noticed that they like it, too.  So..... if tarnished silver is good enough for  PB, then it is SURELY good enough for me!  HAHAHA!
Did you notice my leopard print tray back there?  ALWAYS gotta have my leopard print somewhere in the room.  LOL!!  Here's a closer look at my tea set.
If you look closely into the mirror, you can see the reflection of the silver tray display wall.  LOVE it at night time especially.  The best part is, my new look has made my mother very happy and hasn't cost anything other than a little rearranging and a few more plate hangers.

Hard to believe that these two tubs were in the BACK of her garage underneath a TON of other tubs/boxes just last week. 
My decorating therapy has certainly helped me these last few weeks.  I'm hoping my mother gets her love for decorating back as well.  My dad was sick for over twenty years, and she has worn herself down taking such good care of him all of this time.  Please pray for her a renewed spirit and comfort.

I promise I won't be gone for very long.  I'm getting back on track now.  How I have missed blogging!!!!  I have still been spying on you gals, though!!  Thanks for inspiring me to get back on the horse again. 

Love to all!!!


  1. Oh, gosh, so sorry about the passing of your step-father. My former husband's father passed away last week...even during the divorce and afterwards, he was always nice to me. My ex-husband asked me to make a graveside arrangement and I also spoke at his graveside service. YOU have the additional adjustment of your mother coming to live with you. I DO love what you did with the silver trays. I have never seen that done before...did you hang them with plate hangers?

  2. I have certainly missed you and I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear step-father. I can relate to bringing your mom in to live with you. Two years ago we put my mom in assisted living and had to clear out her home. I am still storing many of her things and it took 7 week to clean out her house! Myself and 3 other siblings took what we wanted and we had an estate sale as well.

    Love your silver wall and I agree that silver does not have to be polished to be beautiful.

    Good to see you back.

  3. My deepest sympathy to you and your family for your loss. May the fond memories of him bring a smile to your heart.

    Its such a treasure that you are able to have your mom with you. I am sure that her spirits will be renewed with all the love and new adventures with you and the family.

  4. I am so sorry for your lose of your step father. I completely understand about caring for aging parents, both my mom and my husbands mom have not been well. What do they say God never give you more than you can handle. Praying for you and thanks for sharing. Love the silver, creative way to display it.
    Have a good week and know your blog family is here for you too.

  5. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. It is always so hard to lose someone you love so dearly. I lost my Dad eight years ago and sometimes it feels as though it happened yesterday. I will always miss him as I am sure you will always miss yours. Everything changes but, some how we go on. It's so wonderful that you have your mom with you as I am sure that you will keep each other company on the journey. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. I am so sorry for you and your family's loss. It is so loving that you took your mom in. I am sure that is an adjustment, for both of you! We will be here when you get ready to blog again!

  7. I'm so sorry about your stepfather ... may the wonderful memories you have with him be a source of comfort to you and your family. I love all of the silver ... wow! The silver wall collection is beautiful ... love how you splashed it around. And, I can't wait to see the dough bowl ... would love one myself. Glad that you're back ... thoughts and prayers with you. xo

  8. So sorry for your loss. I can't imagine. I lost my 95-year old grandmother earlier in the year to cancer and that was tough. Thoughts with you through all your transition.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. You are definitely a very strong person the way you have handled all this.

    I love what you have done with the trays! I bet your mothers face lit up when she saw it!

    Glad to have you back. Stay strong!

  10. Very sorry for your deep loss. I know it must be unbearable. We had 3 family losses in a row this year. God bless you all and your mother. Your siver collection is gorgeous and meaningful. Take care.

  11. Sorry to hear your loss of loved one. You're absolutely so nice to have kept the silver things from your mother and keep along with yours and make her adjusting to stay in your house. My prayer for her. Your dream of fireplace and media room is also my wish. Thanks visiting my blog and words of my loss of lovely cat. You do keep strong and I'll come back.
