Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas....

I realize Halloween just passed, but that to me means IT IS ON!!!!  I love, love, love me some Christmas deocrating!!  I have tubs full of Christmas decor.  I have also been working on a few things I'll share with you very soon as I start decorating the house.

Here are just a few "teaser" photos for you....Let your imagination run wild!!  Just so you will know, I put up TONS of trees at my house.  There's usually one tree in pretty much every room, big or small.  I have different themes for each room.  My favorite room is the kitchen!!  I have been collecting gingerbread decor ever since I was married, 23 years ago this December.  I have a HUGE-MONGOUS collection of gingerbread items!!  Every year, I try to get creative and arrange them in different ways and add a few new pieces here and there.  I found a few really cute gingerbread men and ornaments this year that I made centerpieces out of....  Here's a sneak peek!!!

This little guy and his friend are going on the island...the kitchen is always a gingerbread/cookie/candy theme!

These gingerbread friends will be on the table with some of their friends!!  What a cute couple!

Our biggest family tradition is collecting Cookies for Santa plates.  We get a new one every year.  Haven't found one yet this year.....we usually have one by now!!  This is only a smidge of my collection.  I treausure these plates more than any other Christmas decoration I own.  Each one was picked out by myself and the children, starting in 1993 when I just had two sweet little boys...Now I have four sweet little/big boys and a precious daughter.  How our collection and family have grown!!!  I can't wait to start putting out our plates!!

And finally, another of my treasured gingerbread collectibles....a gingerbread palace!!  All of the gingerbread trees on the sides came from BIG LOTS over the years!!!!   Can't wait to see what they have this year!

Call me CRAZY, but I love, love, love Christmas decorating!!  Anyone else getting started like me?  I just want to enjoy it as long as possible.  I'll be starting to DECK THE HALLS this weekend!!!!  


  1. Love it! I am not starting yet, but I can live through you and pile all my ideas! :) I am gonna go check out big lots tommorrow at their christmas decor I love all of those gingerbread items, I too do that in the kitchen I don't have as much as you do but I wish I did! LOL Gotta go out and go shopping oh darn haha

  2. christmas is my favorite time of year as well..and i do like alot of trees also...i have alot of stuff in boxes sitting aorund ready to be put up for christmas now...just need to waot for the right time to start all of the decorating..your gingerbread guys are addorabale..keep it cming and happy decorating!!

  3. Oh my goodness! How beautiful! Your pictures will get someone in the Christmas mood!

  4. Farica, I love the collection of "Cookie Plates" and how you display them. Gorgeous!

  5. Beautiful pictures. I love your collection of cookie plates, what a fabulous idea! Love your gingerbread palace and trees.
    I started decorating my kitchen gingerbread theme last year, I can't wait to add to my collections!
    Not sure if I have let u know before now but I am a follower LOL

  6. Oh my goodness, you are ahead of the game, but I am right behind you, girl!! I just started today, making my wreaths. Last weekend I got all my xmas boxes and bins sorted in the garage ready to go. You have completely inspired me, thank you. Everything looks fabulous, and so festive, too!

    Also, if these are the "TEASER" pictures, I can't wait to see the REST. Amazing, simply AMAZING!!

    XOXO ~Liz

  7. I love Christmas, but don't use half of my decorations anymore-can't find the time or energy to get it all done. I am however looking forward to seeing all of yours!

  8. Yippeeeee !! Another Christmas addict !! My hubs brought our boxes down yesterday ... Fall is disappearing this weekend and out will come Christmas. Your "teaser" pics are gorgeous ... I can't wait to see more !!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Wow! How beautiful!! Looks amazing! I love Christmas and how pretty everything looks. I hate when it's all over and you have to take everything down it all looks so sad. I can't wait to see what else you have in store!

  11. OH I am loving what I'm seeing!! Can't wait to see what else you do.

    Running behind with my decorating but I will get there.


  12. Yes, I will be decorating this weekend. I Love your Gingerbread theme. I am using Gingerbread, red, white and silver.

  13. I probably shouldn't tell you this, on the off chance you don't already know it, but Cracker Barrel has an entire gingerbread collection this year, and I'm pretty sure I saw Santa's cookie plates there and at Pier 1. Believe I saw some gingerbread stuff at Kohl's, too. I can already feel my credit card magnet pulling me to those places!
