Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Few Tweaks in the Kitchen

I can't leave anything alone, and I blame it on my Multiple Personality Decorating Disorder!!   I see something and there I go, off room shopping and tweaking things!!

Even though I love my kitchen more than any other room in my house, I still can't leave it alone!! This all started because I had a few $$ left on some Christmas gift cards, and I knew that I would end up losing my cards before Easter got here (it's a miracle I have hung onto them this long!!).  I still have a good bit left on a Pottery Barn gift card and also a Yankee Candle one!!!  WOOHOO!! 

I dropped in Hobby Lobby Saturday night and looked around because I knew I could knock out one of my cards there.  I just ADORE gift cards, especially the Visa ones you can use shopping!! You cannot beat that with a stick!!!!!

So, of coure, I immediately spied these new cute, cute, cute, fleur de lis signs.   Two of those just jumped right into my cart!! LOL!!  They were about 7 bucks each!!!  LOVE the bling on them!!

Fleur de lis + burlap + French script+ bling = LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!
Look at that photo holder that was fleur de lis and burlap also!! ANOTHER score for about $12!!
I'm using it as a recipe holder!!!

These new purchases inspired me to FINALLY hang up my Bon Appetit picture that had been hiding in my closet for like FOREVER!!  I have always loved this print.  I loved my roosters that were there, but it was time for them to take a break.  I loved them so much, I have waited over a year to put up this picture!! They are on a little roo-cation for now in my closet.  LOL!!
Did you notice the silverware art there on the counter? Got those at the fleamarket for $4 each. Yes, that's right!! I hung them separately.  Didn't like them.  Tried them together in a grouping on the wall, didn't like that either.  So, I thought why not just stack them on an easel, and I LOVE IT!!!  I'm sure they won't stay that way forever, but I like it....for now!! hahaha!

Closer look at my masterpiece stacking!!

For today, I'm loving how the countertops look!!  I really adore that burlap fleur de lis recipe holder.  I need to get a recipe card on there, but I couldn't wait to share it with you.  I think I will get one that my grandma handwrote.  That would be a sweet touch!

This is just a random shot of the mirror in the eating area.  As soon as the calendar turns to March, I plan on breaking out some of my bunnies and eggs.  I can't bring myself to do it just yet with February still on the calendar.  I am READY for spring!!

Enjoyed tweaking the kitchen a little on my gift card budget.  Guess what??? I STILL have $$ left.  LOVE IT!!  I am sure I won't have much trouble spending the rest very soon. 

Have a blessed week!!


  1. Great finds and your vignettes are wonderful. Love the sign also. Hugs, Marty

  2. Your vignettes look great. It's always nice to change things up, Your space is beautiful.

  3. Hi Farica, your kitchen looks wonderful! I love the feather's in the arrangement on your island! I plan on having a new post this week....have not posted since Sept.
    have a great day,

  4. Farica, what lovely vignettes! Your home always looks so pretty! I'm ready to mix things up for Spring, as well. You did a great job!

  5. Farica, you know I love your huge kitchen from the time you painted those gorgeous cabinets. Hope you become a Linky Followers member so we can keep up with your blog.
    Thanks, Helen

  6. Your home is so beautiful and I love how you decorate every space. Your kitchen is just lovely. Thanks for sharing! ~Liz

  7. Love it, Farica!! I love seeing your GORGEOUS kitchen you always inspire me to go tweak mine. :) I just spent some time today rearranging stuff I love doing it!! :)

  8. What happened to the silver?!?!?!???? I LOVE your kitchen.

  9. You have such a beautiful kitchen!
