Monday, February 13, 2012

The True Story of the Three Little Twigs

This all started with three little twigs. I took three little twigs and added them to my foyer arrangement, and that started me on a rampage!!! The result --- I revamped some of the florals in my house over the past few weeks. Three little twigs started this whole mess!!!

I don't know why, but I have gotten to where I like to mix three elements into every arrangement I do.  I like to mix feathers, traditional silk/faux greenery, and then dried elements.  Since Christmas, I have revamped several arrangements around the house, and now I have added two more!!

Here's a closeup of the ones I shared back after the holidays once Santa had left the building!!  NOTICE the three elements in each one....
Did you notice the feathers, greens, and dried elements?

Here's a closeup of the piece on the mantle....Again, feathers, dried and faux greenery all mixed. 
 I love this look!!

For some reason, I think having the three elements makes the arrangements look more customized, and it really helps them fit with my decor better!!  Look at the arrangement by my front door.  I have not shared this before.  I added some more dried elements to it, and also added feathers, of course!!!

A little closer look....

Here's my revamped kitchen arrangement...I love having something tall on the island.  I want it to be dramatic, and this arrangement fits the bill perfectly!!  Again, notice the three elements in the arrangement. I think I'm stuck on creating things with the dried and feather additions!

Here's a larger view....(Ignore the crockpot on the stove!! DINNER!!)

I really like how this arrangement now helps the rooms flow together a little better.  I have been trying to pinpoint what my "style" is, but I swear I have no clue.  Sometimes I think it is Tuscan, sometimes I think it is more eclectic, then I have hints of traditional/Old World and also French. 

 I think I am a gumbo!!!!!! If anyone has any idea what I am, I'd certainly like to hear!! 

Partying over at:
Chatty Chics for Wild Wednesday and
 Kristen's Creations for Share Your Creations Thursday!!

Share Your Creations

Chatty Chics


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you are fabulous! that is what you are :)

  3. Well, Farica, if you look at my profile, I definitely defined my style as a gumbo! LOL! I love it all; and I just make it work for me! Your arrangements look great! I love adding pheasant feathers to all of my arrangements. Please pop over and get in on my new giveaway! Have a Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. They look great. Where did you find your feathers?

  5. I love your arrangements. I use feathers and twigs a lot,you are right that different elements mixed in make an arrangement more professional looking.


  7. Hi Farica, Love all the feathers, they look great in your arrangements. I am in the same boat with you on trying to define my style....a little bit of it all.haha

  8. Hey, how about we call your style, "Flarica"? ;o)

  9. Girl, it's beautiful! Love it! Wish you could come over and help me with a couple of my arrangements that need to be redone!
    PS Come back and link up another project if you can. I'm going to be featuring this at some point on my site! Great job!

  10. They look great, I really like the one in the kitchen, I like whole look of the feathers. You can't go wrong with them.

  11. Gorgeous, Farica !! You've given them new life ... thanks to three little twigs ... love it!
